The TIC RRC at the request of Russian citizens conducts search only abroad and at the request of enquirers from abroad – in the Russian Federation.
When conducting tracing abroad the TIC RRC cooperates only with National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
For tracing in the Russian Federation, enquirers from abroad should apply to the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Society in their home countries.
For contact information please visit the Family Links Network website of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement at: htpp://
Please make sure you follow our tracing criteria. We do not accept requests:
• filed by non-relatives;
• related to tracing of biological parents and children;
• related to issues of inheritance, housing problems, child support, genealogy, etc.
• related to tracing of civil burial sites;
• related to family conflict situations;
• related to obtaining certificates of birth, death, marriage, labour records, etc.