The archive of displaced persons is a collection of captured German documents on the USSR citizens who were forced labourers in Germany or kept in concentration and prisoner-of-war camps during the Great Patriotic War. The documents have not been systematised; they are stored in volumes with numbered pages. For each record there is a registration card containing a reference to the corresponding document. These cards are put together in a card index arranged by surname in alphabetic order. It is hard to calculate the exact number of documents as one registration card can contain up to five references to the volume and the page of the document related to a particular person. The approximate number of documents is about one million.
The content of the documents varies; they include:
• lists of Soviet nationals repatriated to their motherland;
• records of employment of the German Reich employees;
• lists of Eastern labourers;
• registration lists of employment agencies;
• employees’ personal files;
• employees’ insurance sheets;
• employees’ death certificates;
• birth certificates of children born in Germany;
• identity cards issued by German authorities;
• lists of prisoners of war;
• lists of burial sites, etc.
The card index and archive materials have not been digitised.